So, your business is struggling, and you’re unable to pay your staff’s wages? Understandably, you’re worrying. In this blog, we’re answering the question, what can my employees claim if I liquidate my company? We’ve received a number of phone calls over the last few weeks from directors
Read more →Administration is one of the options available to limited companies when they’re struggling financially. It’s important to understand that administration might not be the right process for you and your business. You should seek advice from a professional who can advise you on this. In this blog,
Read more →There are many aspects to think about as a director in liquidation, and many things you will need to be made aware of too. In this blog, we’re answering the question, what is a director’s conduct report and should I be worried? What is a director’s conduct
Read more →What happens if you can’t pay an overdrawn Directors Loan Account? Dealing with company liquidation can be stressful, so we’re here to answer your most important questions. One question we often hear is, ‘What happens if you can’t pay an overdrawn director’s loan account?’ In this blog,
Read more →How long does liquidation take? So, you’ve decided to liquidate your business, you’re probably trying to figure out how everything works, when things will start to happen and how is best to deal with the liquidation process. If you’re wondering – how long does liquidation take? We’re
Read more →Order of Payments in Liquidation: Who gets paid first? When entering an insolvent liquidation for the first time, it can be hard to understand how everything works. If your business is insolvent, that means your company owes a range of creditors money that you can’t pay back.
Read more →A guide to company voluntary liquidation If your business is suffering financially, you may be worrying about what’s next and how to deal with it. The good news is that you may have a variety of options available depending on your personal circumstances. It’s important to try
Read more →For many business owners, the financial pressures of the last few years still impact their business strategies. For some, they may even be getting worse due to rising costs of living, materials and other services. Due to this, many business owners are likely wondering, can I liquidate
Read more →What happens to a director of a company in liquidation? If you find yourself in the unfortunate position of your limited company facing insolvency, it can be a very uncertain and stressful time. In this article, we’ll look at exactly what happens to a director of a
Read more →If I liquidate my company will I lose my home? If you are thinking about liquidating your business then you are probably also wondering what are the risks to you and your family personally if you decide to liquidate your company. With business insolvency figures rising month
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